The data tables defined by this contract.
rows of account_type
Field Type asset_name name balance asset locked asset rows of ad_global_type
Field Type current_id uint64 -
Field Type id uint64 state uint8 user name created_at uint64 updated_at uint64 type uint8 asset_amount asset locked_amount asset finished_amount asset finished_count uint32 country_code uint16 fixed_price asset relative_price int32 price_source_id uint8 min_money asset max_money asset payment_flags uint64 payment_window uint16 terms string opening_hours uint64 required_kyc_flags uint64 payment_methods uint16[] client_id uint64 rows of ad_bak_type
Field Type id uint64 state uint8 user name created_at uint64 updated_at uint64 type uint8 asset_amount asset locked_amount asset finished_amount asset country_code uint16 fixed_price asset relative_price int32 price_source_id uint8 min_money asset max_money asset payment_flags uint64 payment_window uint16 terms string opening_hours uint64 required_kyc_flags uint64 payment_methods uint16[] rows of country_money_type
Field Type money name money_symbol symbol_code rows of my_ad_type
Field Type trade_pair_id uint64 id uint64 rows of my_dealing_order_type
Field Type trade_pair_id uint64 id uint64 rows of my_order_type
Field Type trade_pair_id uint64 id uint64 rows of order_global_type
Field Type current_id uint64 rows of order_type
Field Type id uint64 user name ad_user name buyer_id uint64 seller_id uint64 ad_id uint64 created_at uint64 updated_at uint64 type uint8 price asset asset_amount asset money_amount asset fee asset state uint32 dispute_state uint8 paid_at uint64 finished_at uint64 cancelled_at uint64 rejected_at uint64 closed_at uint64 disputed_at uint64 timeout_at uint64 client_id uint64 disputed_user name message string rows of price_source_type
Field Type id uint8 s_name string trade_pair_id uint64 url string rows of trade_asset_type
Field Type asset_name name asset_contract name asset_symbol symbol_code precision uint8 rows of trade_pair_global_type
Field Type current_id uint64 rows of trade_pair_type
Field Type id uint64 asset_name name asset_symbol symbol_code money_name name money_symbol symbol_code type uint8 -
Field Type user name created_at uint64 updated_at uint64 order_count uint32 filled_ask_order_count uint32 total_ask_order_duration uint64 filled_bid_order_count uint32 total_bid_order_duration uint64 kyc_flags uint64 country_code uint16