Ricardian Contract
Title: Rent CPU Bandwidth for 30 Days
Summary: {{nowrap from}} pays {{nowrap loan_payment}} to rent CPU bandwidth for {{nowrap receiver}}
{{from}} pays {{loan_payment}} to rent CPU bandwidth on behalf of {{receiver}} for a period of 30 days. {{loan_payment}} is taken out of {{from}}’s REX fund. The market price determines the number of tokens to be staked to {{receiver}}’s CPU resources. In addition, {{from}} provides {{loan_fund}}, which is also taken out of {{from}}’s REX fund, to be used for automatic renewal of the loan. At expiration, if the loan has less funds than {{loan_payment}}, it is closed and lent tokens that have been staked are taken out of {{receiver}}’s CPU bandwidth. Otherwise, it is renewed at the market price at the time of renewal, that is, the number of staked tokens is recalculated and {{receiver}}’s CPU bandwidth is updated accordingly. {{from}} can fund or defund a loan at any time before expiration. When the loan is closed, {{from}} is refunded any tokens remaining in the loan fund.
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