The data tables defined by this contract.
Field Type balance asset rows of config_row
Field Type status name trade_fee uint8 protocol_fee uint8 fee_account name mgr_account name pair_id symbol_code notifiers name[] minlocktimes uint64 rows of lockdtl_row
Field Type id uint64 pair_id symbol_code quantity asset acttime uint64 exptime uint64 rows of markets_row
Field Type owner name liquidity asset lock_liq asset -
Field Type balance asset rows of orders_row
Field Type owner name quantity0 extended_asset quantity1 extended_asset -
Field Type id symbol_code reserve0 extended_asset reserve1 extended_asset liquidity extended_asset lock_liq extended_asset amplifier uint64 virtual_price float64 price0_last float64 price1_last float64 volume0 asset volume1 asset trades uint64 last_updated time_point_sec rows of pledgelist_row
Field Type cdsid uint64 pledgeid uint64 liquidity extended_asset receive_time uint64 expired_time uint64 rows of pledgepara_row
Field Type pledgeid uint64 contract name sym symbol_code annualized uint64 duration uint64 min_amount asset max_amount asset oracle uint8 oracleParam uint64 status uint8 -
Field Type balance asset