
Recent activity on the EOS Network.

1/6/23, 9:16:54 PM UTC
from: prospectorst
memo: migration from wax/u.uaq.wam
quantity: 16.0000 PGL
to: amartinezm11
1/6/23, 9:14:24 PM UTC
from: prospectorsc
memo: withdraw
quantity: 1.0000 PGL
to: amartinezm11
1/6/23, 9:14:24 PM UTC
account: amartinezm11
amount: 1000
1/6/23, 9:12:18 PM UTC
amount: 300
order_id: 765377
worker_id: 10952
1/6/23, 9:11:49 PM UTC
amount: 300
order_id: 765588
worker_id: 10951
1/6/23, 9:11:06 PM UTC
equip: true
loc_id: 196607
amount: 1
health: 6000
type_id: 24
worker_id: 10951
1/6/23, 9:10:36 PM UTC
amount: 300
order_id: 765568
worker_id: 10950
12/17/22, 1:08:31 AM UTC
from: goldminerxxx
memo: hi... look what Ive found.. In think that this is the most profitable mining token in EOS blockchain, EXO .. this is the account: exominetoken -- or take a look to https://exomine.co
quantity: 0.0001 EOS
to: amartinezm11
11/10/22, 9:14:42 AM UTC
worker_id: 10951
x: 2
y: -1
11/10/22, 9:14:24 AM UTC
account: amartinezm11
amount: 1
market_id: 199106
price: 1089
11/10/22, 9:13:56 AM UTC
worker_id: 10952
x: -22
y: -13
11/10/22, 9:13:03 AM UTC
account: amartinezm11
equip: true
loc_id: 4294967295
amount: 1
health: 6000
type_id: 24
worker_id: 10952
11/10/22, 9:12:28 AM UTC
health: 0
type_id: 24
worker_id: 10951
11/10/22, 9:12:18 AM UTC
amount: 300
order_id: 755038
worker_id: 10950
11/9/22, 9:21:24 AM UTC
worker_id: 10952
x: -1
y: -1
11/9/22, 9:21:03 AM UTC
account: amartinezm11
amount: 1
market_id: 198938
price: 1089
11/9/22, 9:20:30 AM UTC
worker_id: 10950
x: -15
y: 18
11/9/22, 9:20:00 AM UTC
health: 0
type_id: 24
worker_id: 10952
11/9/22, 9:19:30 AM UTC
amount: 300
order_id: 755128
worker_id: 10951
11/8/22, 9:39:24 PM UTC
amount: 300
order_id: 755246
worker_id: 10952