The data tables defined by this contract.
Field Type balance asset rows of accountslock
Field Type balance asset -
Field Type key name counter uint64 rows of coupon_req
Field Type id uint64 from name quantity asset memo string created_at uint64 -
Field Type id uint64 withdrawal_fee uint64 referral_fee uint64 balance asset referral_amount asset interest_amount asset withdraw_amount asset lockup_amount asset liabilities_amount asset rows of payment_log
Field Type id uint64 user name quantity asset rows of product_info
Field Type product_id uint64 product_period uint64 interest_rate uint64 interest_period uint64 lockup_rate uint64 limit asset unit asset invested asset pre_fee asset sequence int32 rows of product_users
Field Type id uint64 product_id uint64 user name balance asset total_interest asset remain_interest asset lockup_interest asset total_count int32 remain_count int32 created_at uint64 expired_at uint64 next_payment_at uint64 -
Field Type user name referral name rows of currency_stat
Field Type supply asset max_supply asset issuer name -
Field Type id uint64 type int32 user name quantity asset memo string tx_id checksum256 created_at uint64 -
Field Type user name balance asset referral name