

The data structures defined by this contract.

  • Table row type of uidtb

    { "name": "uniqueid", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "uid", "type": "uint64" } ] }
  • Table row type of clientidtb

    { "name": "clientid", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "uid", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "acc_id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "cid", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "t", "type": "uint32" } ] }
  • Table row type of payrecordtb

    { "name": "payrecord", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "order_id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "to", "type": "name" }, { "name": "quantity", "type": "asset" }, { "name": "order_time", "type": "uint32" } ] }
  • Table row type of playertb

    { "name": "gameplayer", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "room_id", "type": "uint16" }, { "name": "game_id", "type": "uint8" }, { "name": "status", "type": "uint32" }, { "name": "update_time", "type": "uint32" }, { "name": "uid", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "action_id", "type": "uint32" }, { "name": "acc_id", "type": "uint64" } ] }
  • Table row type of noticetb

    { "name": "notice", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "notice_time", "type": "uint32" }, { "name": "notice_id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "content", "type": "string" } ] }
  • Table row type of roomdatatb

    { "name": "roomdata", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "room_data", "type": "string" }, { "name": "room_id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "action_id", "type": "uint32" } ] }
  • Table row type of forbidtb

    { "name": "forbid", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "id", "type": "name" }, { "name": "add_time", "type": "uint32" }, { "name": "type", "type": "uint8" } ] }
  • Table row type of gamerooms

    { "name": "gameroom", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "room_id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "action_id", "type": "uint32" }, { "name": "status", "type": "uint8" }, { "name": "game_pause", "type": "uint8" }, { "name": "cur_ask", "type": "uint8" }, { "name": "player1", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "player2", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "player3", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "p1_status", "type": "uint32" }, { "name": "p2_status", "type": "uint32" }, { "name": "p3_status", "type": "uint32" }, { "name": "memo", "type": "string" } ] }
  • Table row type of operatetb

    { "name": "opt", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "acc_id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "uid", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "cid", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "act_time", "type": "uint32" }, { "name": "bet", "type": "asset" }, { "name": "quantity", "type": "asset" }, { "name": "ins_type", "type": "uint8" }, { "name": "opt_type", "type": "uint8" }, { "name": "round_id", "type": "uint32" }, { "name": "tb_name", "type": "string" }, { "name": "seed", "type": "string" }, { "name": "trx_id", "type": "checksum256" } ] }
  • Table row type of limittb

    { "name": "playerlimit", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "acc_id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "first_in", "type": "uint32" }, { "name": "cnt", "type": "uint32" } ] }
  • Action parameter in joinroom

    { "name": "joinroom", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "player", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "cid", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "amount", "type": "uint64" } ] }
  • Action parameter in leaveroom

    { "name": "leaveroom", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "player", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "cid", "type": "uint64" } ] }
  • Action parameter in operate

    { "name": "operate", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "player", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "opt_type", "type": "uint32" }, { "name": "cid", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "rid", "type": "uint32" } ] }
  • Action parameter in updateroom

    { "name": "updateroom", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "room_id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "action_id", "type": "uint32" }, { "name": "status", "type": "uint8" }, { "name": "cur_ask", "type": "uint8" }, { "name": "player_list", "type": "string" }, { "name": "player_status", "type": "string" }, { "name": "room_data", "type": "string" }, { "name": "memo", "type": "string" } ] }
  • Action parameter in removeitem

    { "name": "removeitem", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "table_name", "type": "uint8" }, { "name": "id_list", "type": "string" } ] }
  • Action parameter in paybonus

    { "name": "paybonus", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "to", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "quantity", "type": "asset" }, { "name": "memo", "type": "string" }, { "name": "order_id", "type": "uint64" } ] }
  • Action parameter in login

    { "name": "login", "base": "", "fields": [] }
  • Action parameter in cleardb

    { "name": "cleardb", "base": "", "fields": [] }