The data tables defined by this contract.
rows of AccountModel
Field Type name t_name flags uint32 worker0 ID worker1 ID worker2 ID purchases Purchase[] referer t_name balance t_balance referer_fee t_balance alliance t_name premium_time t_utime points uint32 rows of AllianceModel
Field Type name t_name owner t_name cr_time t_utime members t_amount request t_amount logo t_logo r1 uint64 r2 uint64 r3 uint64 r4 uint64 rows of AuctionModel
Field Type loc_id ID type t_byte owner t_name target t_name price t_balance end_time t_utime bid_user t_name r1 uint64 r2 uint64 -
Field Type id ID asset_id ID owner t_name rent_time t_utime name string gold t_amount wood t_amount stone t_amount coal t_amount clay t_amount ore t_amount jobs LocJob[] storage StorageStuff[] building Building coffee t_amount resources t_amount[] moss t_amount flags uint16 world_id uint8 r2 uint8 rows of MarketModel
Field Type id ID loc_id ID owner t_name stuff Stuff price t_amount alliance t_name r2 uint64 rows of OrderModel
Field Type id ID loc_id ID owner t_name job_type t_job gold t_amount amount t_amount item_id t_type item_prop t_amount item_tag ID state int8 alliance t_name is_stock t_byte r2 t_byte r3 uint16 r4 uint32 rows of RailOrderModel
Field Type id ID target t_name owner t_name recipient t_name stuff Stuff price t_amount gold t_amount r1 uint64 r2 uint64 rows of RailOrderModel
Field Type id ID target t_name owner t_name recipient t_name stuff Stuff price t_amount gold t_amount r1 uint64 r2 uint64 rows of RailStateModel
Field Type target t_name state t_byte time t_utime last_index t_name total_weight t_balance total_gold t_balance orders_cnt t_amount orders_done t_amount r1 uint64 r2 uint64 rows of SettingsModel
Field Type id ID enabled t_byte time_start t_utime time_end t_utime r1 uint64 r2 uint64 r3 uint64 r4 uint64 -
Field Type id ID rent_price t_amount begin_time t_utime job_count int32 job_sum int64 r1 uint64 r2 uint64 rows of StorageModel
Field Type loc_id ID stuffs StorageStuff[] jobs LocJob[] r0 uint64 rows of WorkerModel
rows of WorldModel
Field Type id ID gold int64 coal int64 clay int64 ore int64 seed uint64 r2 uint64 r3 uint64 r4 uint64