The data tables defined by this contract.
Field Type id uint64 account name player string referrer string amount asset roll uint8 type string seed_hash checksum256 user_seed_hash checksum160 created_at uint64 -
Field Type hash checksum256 expiration uint64 rows of st_fund_pool
Field Type locked asset -
Field Type current_id uint64 rows of st_auctionpoo
Field Type pool asset rows of st_sccporder
Field Type id uint64 rows of st_scluorder
Field Type id uint64 rows of st_payoutorde
Field Type id uint64 rows of st_tiporder
Field Type id uint64 rows of st_referorder
Field Type id uint64 rows of st_hrgorder
Field Type id uint64 rows of st_wrgorder
Field Type id uint64 rows of st_mineorder
Field Type id uint64 rows of st_affilorder
Field Type id uint64 rows of st_cworder
Field Type id uint64 rows of st_auctiongam
Field Type lu name llu name luamount asset lluamount asset lutime uint64 lw name lwamount asset lwprofit asset rows of st_auctionfiv
Field Type five uint64