whaleextrust Contract OverviewActions (93)Structs (157)Tables (62)ABI Overview exchange (name) base->contract (name) quote->contract (name) debtor (name) debtor_order_id (uint64) debtor_order_time (uint32) debtor_lend_amount (int64) debtor_interest_amount (int64) debtor_maker_fee_ratio (uint16) debtor_taker_fee_ratio (uint16) debtor_memo (string) debtor_sig (signature) creditor (name) creditor_order_id (uint64) creditor_order_time (uint32) creditor_lend_amount (int64) creditor_interest_amount (int64) creditor_maker_fee_ratio (uint16) creditor_taker_fee_ratio (uint16) creditor_memo (string) creditor_sig (signature) lend_id (uint64) trade_id (uint64) lend_amount (int64) interest_amount (int64) debtor_is_maker (bool) debtor_fee_amount (int64) with_repay (bool) time (uint32) repay_lend_id (uint64) repay_to (name) repay_interest (int64) repay_fee (int64) Perform Action Ricardian Contract Data Representation Fill out the form to create a representation of the data in this type of action. Transaction Link Complete the transaction above to generate a shareable link.