Perform Action
Action Data
Fill out the form to create a representation of the data in this type of action.
Request Parameters exchange name base extended_symbol quote extended_symbol buyer name buyer_order_id uint64 buyer_order_time uint32 buyer_base_amount int64 buyer_quote_amount int64 buyer_maker_fee_ratio uint16 buyer_taker_fee_ratio uint16 buyer_memo string buyer_sig signature buyer_sig_type uint16 seller name seller_order_id uint64 seller_order_time uint32 seller_base_amount int64 seller_quote_amount int64 seller_maker_fee_ratio uint16 seller_taker_fee_ratio uint16 seller_memo string seller_sig signature seller_sig_type uint16 trade_id uint64 base_amount int64 quote_amount int64 buyer_is_maker bool buyer_fee_amount int64 seller_fee_amount int64 buyer_wal_fee_amount int64 seller_wal_fee_amount int64 ignore_price bool