Transaction on September 15, 2019 at 11:47:02 PM UTC
Finality Status | Irreversible |
Date | 9/15/19, 11:47:02 PM UTC |
Transaction ID | 0329dc85525a4b0f93973f7217223b81960c720da9880daa579f79219fe74c0d |
Included in block | 79580523 |
Contracts used |
Resulting Actions (13)
The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.
betAsset: 0.1000 EOScontract: eosio.tokengameContract: games..dicegameName: eoscrashhouseEdgeAsset: 0.0010 EOSmemo: Third Party, id: 9684referer:username: 1vgvgvgvgvg1
Signed by: betdicegroup@games..dice
from: betdicehousememo: HouseEdge, Game: eoscrash Memo: Third Party, id: 9684quantity: 0.0010 EOSto: betdicegroup
Signed by: betdicehouse@payout
memo: Prize Fund, Game: eoscrash Memo: Third Party, id: 9684quantity: 0.0636 DICEto: 1vgvgvgvgvg1
Signed by: betdicetoken@betdicegroup
from: betdicetokenmemo: Prize Fund, Game: eoscrash Memo: Third Party, id: 9684quantity: 0.0636 DICEto: 1vgvgvgvgvg1
Signed by: betdicetoken@active
from: betdicetokenmemo: Costquantity: 0.0090 DICEto: betdicesaver
Signed by: betdicetoken@active
from: betdicetokenmemo: Teamquantity: 0.0180 DICEto: betdic.e
Signed by: betdicetoken@active
from: betdicegroupmemo: Pot, Game: eoscrash Memo: Third Party, id: 9684quantity: 0.0001 EOSto: betdicehouse
Signed by: betdicegroup@active
from: betdicegroupmemo: Dividend, Game: eoscrash Memo: Third Party, id: 9684quantity: 0.0004 EOSto: betdicegiver
Signed by: betdicegroup@active
from: betdicegroupmemo: Bankroll, Game: eoscrash Memo: Third Party, id: 9684quantity: 0.0005 EOSto: betdicehouse
Signed by: betdicegroup@active
contract: eosio.tokenscaledWagerAsset: 0.1000 EOSusername: 1vgvgvgvgvg1
Signed by: lucky..dice@betdicegroup