
Transaction on August 8, 2020 at 4:22:19 AM UTC

Finality StatusIrreversible
Date8/8/20, 4:22:19 AM UTC
Transaction ID0af2f5f1c7276cf384676d371f4d0a318e63d48bef6fd845c72f85c93d881933
Included in block135434751
Contracts used

Resulting Actions (21)

The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.

contract: vigortoken11
min_profit: 0.0005 VIGOR
sym: VIGOR
user: jamestaggart
buy_contract: vigortoken11
buy_from: network.sx
buy_memo: USN
quantity: 10.0069 VIGOR
sell_contract: danchortoken
sell_sym: USN
user: jamestaggart
from: jamestaggart
memo: USN
quantity: 10.0069 VIGOR
to: network.sx
from: network.sx
memo: USN
quantity: 10.0069 VIGOR
to: swap.sx
from: swap.sx
memo: convert
quantity: 10.0427 USN
to: network.sx
Signed by:
from: swap.sx
memo: fee
quantity: 0.0200 VIGOR
to: fee.sx
Signed by:
buyer: network.sx
fee: 0.0200 VIGOR
quantity: 10.0069 VIGOR
rate: 10.0427 USN
spot_price: 0.9966511281312302
trade_price: 1.0035775315032627
value: 10.009068284483506
Signed by:
from: network.sx
memo: convert
quantity: 10.0427 USN
to: jamestaggart
additional_sell_contract: eosio.token
additional_sell_sym: EOS
sell_contract: danchortoken
sell_memo: swap,0,9
sell_sym: USN
sell_to: swap.defi
user: jamestaggart
from: jamestaggart
memo: swap,0,9
quantity: 10.0427 USN
to: swap.defi
fee: 0.0200 USN
owner: jamestaggart
pair_id: 9
quantity_in: 10.0427 USN
quantity_out: 3.3528 EOS
trade_price: 0.33385444153464705
from: swap.defi
memo: Defibox: swap token
quantity: 3.3528 EOS
to: jamestaggart
sell_contract: eosio.token
sell_memo: {"type": "sell-market", "symbol": "eosio.token-eos-vigor", "price": "0", "channel": "API"}
sell_sym: EOS
sell_to: newdexpublic
user: jamestaggart
from: jamestaggart
memo: {"type": "sell-market", "symbol": "eosio.token-eos-vigor", "price": "0", "channel": "API"}
quantity: 3.3528 EOS
to: newdexpublic
amount: 0.0000 VIGOR
contract: eosio.token
sym: 4,EOS
channel: API
condition_price: 0
is_plan: false
order_id: 136584328
owner: jamestaggart
pair_id: 532
pair_symbol: eosio.token-eos-vigor
price: 0
quantity: 3.3528 EOS
contract: vigortoken11
sym: 4,VIGOR
type: sell-market
from: newdexpublic
memo: {"type":"order-filled","order-id":136584315,"symbol":"eosio.token-eos-vigor","price":"2.9894"}
quantity: 3.3478 EOS
to: vigsupporter
amount: 10.0229 VIGOR
buy_account: vigsupporter
buy_fee_amount: 0.0050 EOS
buy_fee_ratio: 0.0014999998966231942
buy_fee_save: 0.0017 EOS
buy_finish: false
buy_level: 5
buy_order_id: 136584315
match_direction: 2
pair_id: 532
pair_symbol: eosio.token-eos-vigor
quantity: 3.3528 EOS
remain_amount: 3279.8420 VIGOR
remain_quantity: 0.0000 EOS
sell_account: jamestaggart
sell_fee_amount: 0.0150 VIGOR
sell_fee_ratio: 0.0014999998966231942
sell_fee_save: 0.0050 VIGOR
sell_finish: true
sell_level: 5
sell_order_id: 136584328
trade_price: 2.9894
trade_time: 2020-08-08T04:22:19
from: newdexpublic
memo: {"type":"order-filled","order-id":136584328,"symbol":"eosio.token-eos-vigor","price":"2.9894"}
quantity: 0.0050 EOS
to: newdexiofees
from: newdexpublic
memo: {"type":"order-filled","order-id":136584328,"symbol":"eosio.token-eos-vigor","price":"2.9894"}
quantity: 0.0150 VIGOR
to: newdexiofees
from: newdexpublic
memo: {"type":"order-filled","order-id":136584328,"symbol":"eosio.token-eos-vigor","price":"2.9894"}
quantity: 10.0079 VIGOR
to: jamestaggart
contract: vigortoken11
sym: VIGOR
user: jamestaggart