
Transaction on December 20, 2024 at 8:41:09 AM UTC

Finality StatusIrreversible
Date12/20/24, 8:41:09 AM UTC
Transaction ID0f33617f69f5c6a513056fc11e32410a2aff442818a24a0754593d6abea7add3
Included in block410870960
Contracts used

Resulting Actions (36)

The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.

contract: eosio.token
min_profit: 0.0200 EOS
sym: EOS
user: jamestaggart
buy_contract: eosio.token
buy_from: sovdexrelays
buy_memo: SOV
quantity: 4.0046 EOS
sell_contract: sovmintofeos
sell_sym: SOV
user: jamestaggart
from: jamestaggart
memo: SOV
quantity: 4.0046 EOS
to: sovdexrelays
from: sovdexrelays
memo: EOS send
quantity: 0.0113 EOS
to: sovconverter
from: sovconverter
memo: {"type":"buy-market","symbol":"svxmintofeos-svx-eos","price":"0.0000","channel":"dapp","ref":"tokenpocket"}
quantity: 0.0149 EOS
to: newdexpublic
amount: 0.0149 EOS
contract: svxmintofeos
sym: 4,SVX
channel: dapp
condition_price: 0
is_plan: false
order_id: 150121229
owner: sovconverter
pair_id: 484
pair_symbol: svxmintofeos-svx-eos
price: 0
quantity: 0.0000 SVX
contract: eosio.token
sym: 4,EOS
ref: tokenpocket
type: buy-market
from: newdexpublic
memo: {"type":"order-filled","order-id":150113245,"symbol":"svxmintofeos-svx-eos","price":"0.0009157"}
quantity: 0.0149 EOS
to: svx.trade
amount: 0.0149 EOS
buy_account: sovconverter
buy_fee_amount: 0.0325 SVX
buy_fee_ratio: 0.001999999862164259
buy_fee_save: 0.0000 SVX
buy_finish: true
buy_level: 0
buy_order_id: 150121229
match_direction: 1
pair_id: 484
pair_symbol: svxmintofeos-svx-eos
quantity: 16.2717 SVX
remain_amount: 0.0000 EOS
remain_quantity: 8079.9389 SVX
sell_account: svx.trade
sell_fee_amount: 0.0000 EOS
sell_fee_ratio: 0.001999999862164259
sell_fee_save: 0.0000 EOS
sell_finish: false
sell_level: 0
sell_order_id: 150113245
trade_price: 0.0009157
trade_time: 2024-12-20T08:41:09
from: newdexpublic
memo: {"type":"order-filled","order-id":150121229,"symbol":"svxmintofeos-svx-eos","price":"0.0009157"}
quantity: 0.0325 SVX
to: newdexiofees
from: newdexpublic
memo: {"type":"order-filled","order-id":150121229,"symbol":"svxmintofeos-svx-eos","price":"0.0009157"}
quantity: 16.2392 SVX
to: sovconverter
from: sovconverter
memo: burn
quantity: 16.2392 SVX
to: svxmintofeos
memo: burn SVX
quantity: 16.2392 SVX
averageprice: 0.001665015472099185
burnratepercent: 1
burnsubsidy: false
fee: 0.0112 EOS
feepercent: 0.280000
paid: 4.0046 EOS
pair: SOV/EOS
postspot: 0.0016644579591229558
prespot: 0.0016562684904783964
pricechange: +0.494000%
received: 2381.0915 SOV
slippagepercent: 0.5281137228012085
sovburned: 24.0514 SOV
sovvolume: 2405.1429 SOV
trxtype: buy
user: jamestaggart
memo: issue new SVX rewards
quantity: 285.5000 SVX
to: svxmintofeos
from: svxmintofeos
memo: send team rewards
quantity: 57.1000 SVX
to: themintofeos
from: svxmintofeos
memo: send 777 club rewards
quantity: 14.2750 SVX
to: sovdexpaydiv
from: svxmintofeos
memo: send bonus rewards
quantity: 14.2750 SVX
to: svxcollector
from: svxcollector
memo: SVX bonus send
quantity: 5.7100 SVX
to: sovspacegame
from: svxcollector
memo: SVX bonus send
quantity: 2.8550 SVX
to: sovsvxfaucet
from: svxmintofeos
memo: mining efficiency = 0.006632%, multiplier = 11.453000, Overall Efficiency = 0.075956%
quantity: 47.1107 SVX
to: jamestaggart
from: sovdexrelays
memo: SOV send
quantity: 2405.1429 SOV
to: jamestaggart
burnamount: 24.0514 SOV
final: 2381.0915 SOV
initial: 2405.1429 SOV
memo: Stage: 15, Burn Rate: 1.000000%
receiver: jamestaggart
sender: sovdexrelays
additional_sell_contract: tethertether
additional_sell_sym: USDT
sell_contract: sovmintofeos
sell_memo: USDT
sell_sym: SOV
sell_to: sovdexrelays
user: jamestaggart
from: jamestaggart
memo: USDT
quantity: 2357.2805 SOV
to: sovdexrelays
averageprice: 0.0013378977309912443
burnratepercent: 1
burnsubsidy: false
fee: 0.0088 USDT
feepercent: 0.280000
paid: 2357.2805 SOV
pair: SOV/USDT
postspot: 0.001339192851446569
prespot: 0.001344033400528133
pricechange: -0.360000%
received: 3.1538 USDT
slippagepercent: 0.4565117061138153
sovburned: 23.5728 SOV
sovvolume: 2357.2805 SOV
trxtype: sell
user: jamestaggart
from: svxmintofeos
memo: mining efficiency = 0.006632%, multiplier = 11.225100, Overall Efficiency = 0.074445%
quantity: 46.1385 SVX
to: jamestaggart
from: sovdexrelays
memo: USDT send
quantity: 3.1538 USDT
to: jamestaggart
burnamount: 23.5728 SOV
final: 2357.2805 SOV
initial: 2380.8533 SOV
memo: Stage: 15, Burn Rate: 1.000000%
receiver: sovdexrelays
sender: jamestaggart
sell_contract: tethertether
sell_memo: swap,0,12
sell_sym: USDT
sell_to: swap.defi
user: jamestaggart
from: jamestaggart
memo: swap,0,12
quantity: 3.1538 USDT
to: swap.defi
from: swap.defi
memo: Defibox: swap protocol fee
quantity: 0.0031 USDT
to: fees.defi
fee: 0.0094 USDT
owner: jamestaggart
pair_id: 12
quantity_in: 3.1538 USDT
quantity_out: 4.0259 EOS
reserve0: 2128763.9957 EOS
reserve1: 1662626.4876 USDT
trade_price: 1.2777795410543689
Contract: tethertether
asset: 3.1538 USDT
Contract: eosio.token
asset: 4.0259 EOS
pair_id: 12
to: jamestaggart
from: swap.defi
memo: Defibox: swap token
quantity: 4.0259 EOS
to: jamestaggart
buy_contract: token.defi
buy_from: taggartdagny
buy_memo: swap,0,194
quantity: 0.0000 BOX
sell_contract: tethertether
sell_sym: USDT
user: jamestaggart
contract: eosio.token
sym: EOS
user: jamestaggart