Transaction on August 28, 2019 at 11:22:16 AM UTC
Finality Status | Irreversible |
Date | 8/28/19, 11:22:16 AM UTC |
Transaction ID | 1cf953bf31c25e41e18e1e6ceb36b87646c9dc37457e3ac6a42f2c96501d35f3 |
Included in block | 76387317 |
Contracts used |
Resulting Actions (7)
The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.
memo: Prize Fund, Game: Dragon vs tiger Memo: 99841quantity: 0.0312 PKEto: wenyouqiyuan
Signed by: pokereotoken@active
from: pokereotokenmemo: Prize Fund, Game: Dragon vs tiger Memo: 99841quantity: 0.0312 PKEto: wenyouqiyuan
Signed by: pokereotoken@active
memo: Referrer Prize Fund, Game: Dragon vs tiger Memo: 99841quantity: 0.0031 PKEto: tpdappincome
Signed by: pokereotoken@active
from: pokereotokenmemo: Referrer Prize Fund, Game: Dragon vs tiger Memo: 99841quantity: 0.0031 PKEto: tpdappincome
Signed by: pokereotoken@active
award: 0.0002 EOSconsume: 0.2000 EOSquantity: 0.2000 EOSref: tpdappincomeuser: wenyouqiyuan
Signed by: pokereoslong@active
from: pokereosfundmemo: pokereos referrer Payoutquantity: 0.0002 EOSto: tpdappincome
Signed by: pokereosfund@active