
Transaction on August 12, 2020 at 11:58:24 AM UTC

Finality StatusIrreversible
Date8/12/20, 11:58:24 AM UTC
Transaction ID27fdd51c5fab77b52c847e44031aa53b211d2118b77d6edeb52045f8b2cb584e
Included in block136180539
Contracts used

Resulting Actions (2)

The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.

memo: EOSBlue_Baccarat_Pay
order_id: 511612656073268161
quantity: 1.0000 EOS
to: ircmonitor22
from: bluebetbcrat
memo: EOSBlue_Baccarat_Pay
quantity: 1.0000 EOS
to: ircmonitor22