
Transaction on August 28, 2019 at 11:22:16 AM UTC

Finality StatusIrreversible
Date8/28/19, 11:22:16 AM UTC
Transaction ID4d5cf67811b51ec970ddddc6b360c15f62ccee6f54571787cfff0cbf8877b905
Included in block76387316
Contracts used

Resulting Actions (2)

The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.

now_time: 1566991334
prices: (5)
  1. pair_name: ethbtc
    price: 1835000
  2. pair_name: bnbbtc
    price: 250470
  3. pair_name: btcusdt
    price: 1014724000000
  4. pair_name: ltcusdt
    price: 7201000000
  5. pair_name: ethusdt
    price: 18622000000
from: dragonoption
memo: Payout from Dragon Option / 飞龙期权收益. ID: 1638279
quantity: 0.4108 EOS
to: smithamezequ