
Transaction on April 15, 2024 at 8:42:25 PM UTC

Finality StatusIrreversible
Date4/15/24, 8:42:25 PM UTC
Transaction ID596795466e745a908010019ccc41aa1a31ecdac050a8106047e7a8d5e06a2b97
Included in block368016236
Contracts used

Resulting Actions (6)

The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.

cpu_frac: 29427660
max_payment: 0.0024 EOS
net_frac: 111040
payer: eospowerupio
receiver: pursang13you
cpu_frac: 29427660
days: 1
max_payment: 0.0024 EOS
net_frac: 111040
payer: eospowerupio
receiver: pursang13you
from: eospowerupio
memo: transfer from eospowerupio to eosio.rex
quantity: 0.0004 EOS
to: eosio.rex
fee: 0.0004 EOS
powup_cpu: 11235954
powup_net: 10599
contract: eosio.token
owner: eospowerupio
symcode: EOS
action: dopowerup
cost: 0.0004 EOS
fee: 0.0000 EOS
message: Try the new seamless IBC service from the team behind Boid and EOSPowerup. https://antelopex.io
payer: eospowerupio
received_cpu_ms: 1.0005664825439453
received_net_kb: 20.189090728759766
receiver: pursang13you
total_billed: 0.0004 EOS