
Transaction on November 5, 2021 at 1:10:03 PM UTC

Finality StatusIrreversible
Date11/5/21, 1:10:03 PM UTC
Transaction ID69362bf322818fbfa6d15481863ac609f1182a375e4f01ffea156052db57a4d3
Included in block213911286
Contracts used

Resulting Actions (12)

The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.

miner: flashlight22
rando: 93
symbol: 8,GRV
memo: Issue GRV
quantity: 0.00289352 GRV
to: gravyhftdefi
from: gravyhftdefi
memo: All Aboard the Gravy Train!
quantity: 0.00131170 GRV
to: flashlight22
from: gravyhftdefi
memo: Woot! Woot!
quantity: 0.00043724 GRV
to: gravydevfund