
Transaction on August 8, 2020 at 4:22:21 AM UTC

Finality StatusIrreversible
Date8/8/20, 4:22:21 AM UTC
Transaction ID70685c930fd177624dc258e58997ae6f82d600f34322b52f11eaf224dc3d2c25
Included in block135434755
Contracts used

Resulting Actions (3)

The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.

order_id: 136572379
pair_id: 469
is_buy: true
is_expire: false
order_id: 136572379
pair_id: 469
from: newdexpublic
memo: {"type":"cancel-order","order-id":136572379,"symbol":"eosiopowcoin-pow-eos","price":"0.00915"}
quantity: 19.6260 EOS
to: yanicarlos11