
Transaction on August 8, 2020 at 4:22:20 AM UTC

Finality StatusIrreversible
Date8/8/20, 4:22:20 AM UTC
Transaction ID80141fc2267b6311be576a48cb56f28e26d3500378b9510455ce8a00a47afc98
Included in block135434752
Contracts used

Resulting Actions (2)

The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.

from: vigsupporter
memo: {"type":"buy-limit","symbol":"eosio.token-eos-vigor","price":"2.9744","count":"6556.6979","amount":"2204.3766","channel":"web","ref":"Scatter"}
quantity: 6556.6979 VIGOR
to: newdexpublic
amount: 6556.6979 VIGOR
contract: eosio.token
sym: 4,EOS
channel: web
condition_price: 0
is_plan: false
order_id: 136584329
owner: vigsupporter
pair_id: 532
pair_symbol: eosio.token-eos-vigor
price: 2.9744
quantity: 2204.3766 EOS
contract: vigortoken11
sym: 4,VIGOR
ref: Scatter
type: buy-limit