
Transaction on October 28, 2019 at 6:31:40 AM UTC

Finality StatusIrreversible
Date10/28/19, 6:31:40 AM UTC
Transaction ID81b2ab64311359e6fb3516d506208932bab65c576b0df5b43f88216f5fb31660
Included in block86875865
Contracts used

Resulting Actions (6)

The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.

direction: 1
order_id: 116564142
owner: wukongmarket
pair_id: 407
is_buy: true
is_expire: false
order_id: 116564142
pair_id: 407
from: newdexpublic
memo: {"type":"cancel-order","order-id":116564142,"symbol":"eosio.token-eos-usdt","price":"3.3620"}
quantity: 86.8513 USDT
to: wukongmarket
direction: 1
order_id: 116564150
owner: wukongmarket
pair_id: 407
is_buy: true
is_expire: false
order_id: 116564150
pair_id: 407
from: newdexpublic
memo: {"type":"cancel-order","order-id":116564150,"symbol":"eosio.token-eos-usdt","price":"3.3610"}
quantity: 100.0000 USDT
to: wukongmarket