Transaction on 2021-11-09T03:25:51.500
Contract | Receiver | Authorization | Data |
sendback | whaleextrust | { "exchange": "whaleexchang", "withdraw_id": "484322752790377439" } | |
logevent | whaleextrust | { "assets": [ { "Contract": "eosio.token", "asset": "16.6282 EOS" } ], "desc": "", "exchange": "whaleexchang", "from": "abcwlrzh1314", "key": "484322752790377439", "to": "abcwlrzh1314", "type": 2 } | |
pretransfer | eosdefiproxy | { "contract": "eosio.token", "quantity": "16.6282 EOS", "user": "whaleextrust" } | |
transfer | eosio.token | { "from": "whaleextrust", "memo": "Withdraw From WhaleEx", "quantity": "16.6282 EOS", "to": "abcwlrzh1314" } | |
transfer | whaleextrust | { "from": "whaleextrust", "memo": "Withdraw From WhaleEx", "quantity": "16.6282 EOS", "to": "abcwlrzh1314" } | |
transfer | abcwlrzh1314 | { "from": "whaleextrust", "memo": "Withdraw From WhaleEx", "quantity": "16.6282 EOS", "to": "abcwlrzh1314" } | |
rebalance | eosdefiproxy | { "contract": "eosio.token", "symbol_name": "4,EOS", "user": "whaleextrust" } | |
voteproducer | eosio | { "producers": [], "proxy": "whaleexproxy", "voter": "whaleextrust" } | |
deposit | eosio | { "amount": "18.5588 EOS", "owner": "whaleextrust" } | |
transfer | eosio.token | { "from": "whaleextrust", "memo": "deposit to REX fund", "quantity": "18.5588 EOS", "to": "eosio.rex" } | |
transfer | whaleextrust | { "from": "whaleextrust", "memo": "deposit to REX fund", "quantity": "18.5588 EOS", "to": "eosio.rex" } | |
transfer | eosio.rex | { "from": "whaleextrust", "memo": "deposit to REX fund", "quantity": "18.5588 EOS", "to": "eosio.rex" } | |
buyrex | eosio | { "amount": "18.5588 EOS", "from": "whaleextrust" } | |
buyresult | eosio.rex | { "rex_received": "183507.3513 REX" } |