
Transaction on October 28, 2019 at 6:31:40 AM UTC

Finality StatusIrreversible
Date10/28/19, 6:31:40 AM UTC
Transaction ID8c46e8fc999c16f7798e4dd9281a112e7ef9e986b669cc69b9e7a038c946d759
Included in block86875865
Contracts used

Resulting Actions (10)

The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.

bet_id: 6575465850250102345
sig: SIG_K1_KVR2XZq8p7Ju5zaYtS6QGrCkpuRLazRwEwM5VDXUHPGernam4HVazDaEKx8sBbJL6N6rG89tv7Fa4AeXi82TiLsnU2L2dx
from: eosbetdice11
quantity: 0.1000 EOS
to: eosbetbank11
bet_id: 6575465850250102345
bettor: ezeosaccount
game: eosbetdice11
win_amt: 0.2010 EOS
from: eosbetbank11
memo: Bet id: 6575465850250102345 -- Winner! Play: https://eosbet.io
quantity: 0.2010 EOS
to: ezeosaccount
from: eosbetdice11
memo: 6575465850250102345
quantity: 0.0050 BET
to: ezeosaccount
amt_bettoken: 0.0050 BET
amt_claimeddivs: (6)
  1. 0.00007253 EOS
  2. 0.000000001018 BTC
  3. 0.000000019993 LTC
  4. 0.000000000357 ETH
  5. 0.0000000000 XRP
  6. 0.000000000093 BCH
key_id: 937090177130969
amt_won: 0.2010 EOS
bet_id: 6575465850250102345
bet_id: 6575465850250102345
divs_amt: 0.0017 EOS
game: eosbetdice11
from: eosbetbank11
quantity: 0.0003 EOS
to: eosbetcosts1
from: eosbetbank11
quantity: 0.0014 EOS
to: betdividends