
Transaction on October 28, 2019 at 6:31:39 AM UTC

Finality StatusIrreversible
Date10/28/19, 6:31:39 AM UTC
Transaction IDdd529fdf90df834b08bcebe62fa6b34e3ae22b89b41765e7ff1dafcdec5cb915
Included in block86875863
Contracts used

Resulting Actions (8)

The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.

bet_id: 961553849711360212
sig: SIG_K1_K7xW2HktEPEgTopfBXEmir9wBpNHYcf5WZE3vXbXKBHnS8ZcPfdoqTb9Kkoi6w2sgW9GHgQTCz7SsbHA8WkZ7ukSojMRnd
from: eosbetdice11
quantity: 3.0000 EOS
to: eosbetbank11
from: eosbetdice11
memo: 961553849711360212
quantity: 0.1500 BET
to: ezeosaccount
amt_bettoken: 0.1500 BET
amt_claimeddivs: (6)
  1. 0.00217606 EOS
  2. 0.000000030554 BTC
  3. 0.000000599816 LTC
  4. 0.000000010724 ETH
  5. 0.0000000000 XRP
  6. 0.000000002798 BCH
key_id: 899858657008370
amt_won: 0.0000 EOS
bet_id: 961553849711360212
bet_id: 961553849711360212
divs_amt: 0.0537 EOS
game: eosbetdice11
from: eosbetbank11
quantity: 0.0107 EOS
to: eosbetcosts1
from: eosbetbank11
quantity: 0.0430 EOS
to: betdividends