The data tables defined by this contract.
Field Type balance asset -
Field Type balance asset storebalance asset svxpower asset unstaking asset unstake_time uint32 -
Field Type sovdexaccount name burnsubfund asset rows of eospair_stats
Field Type pair string connectorbal asset outstandingbal asset cw uint64 enabled bool reinvestfees bool price float32 adminfees asset rows of pair_stats
Field Type pair string connectorbal asset outstandingbal asset cw uint64 enabled bool reinvestfees bool price float32 adminfees asset rows of powpair_stats
Field Type pair string connectorbal asset outstandingbal asset cw uint64 enabled bool reinvestfees bool price float32 adminfees asset rows of refaccount
Field Type ref name feecut int32 rows of currency_stats
Field Type supply asset max_supply asset issuer name rows of svxpair_stats
Field Type pair string connectorbal asset outstandingbal asset cw uint64 enabled bool reinvestfees bool price float32 adminfees asset rows of usertable
Field Type username name burnsubenabled bool