
Transaction on December 22, 2018 at 1:42:35 PM UTC

Finality StatusIrreversible
Date18. 12. 22. 오후 1시 42분 35초 UTC
Transaction ID059e5d2967e83e18f670bd7df05d285ff1232b0a50bae3184d4ef345d0b061ae
Included in block33436404
Contracts used

Resulting Actions (17)

The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.

hashSeedHash: 6434da860aa3a3983c3908d6498665726663925c3477c3b04a243b6ea29c60b3
numberHash: 059590fe0749a9a55fd4171b32e4c6e9134c44f6e12e0faa7850e261a02ef2ab
signature: SIG_K1_JuT73kdp4mK2xUr6ym732k7fTiAmx7GUZ7VA2QpSKTWKt6tPfpvu6NqCvx1cfKyskEKiecNAnTaKcUykxK2eokqgjmThgt
betAsset: 4.9000 EOS
contract: eosio.token
gameContract: betdiceadmin
gameName: dice
houseEdgeAsset: 0.0735 EOS
memo: 30808606
referer: sandscasino1
username: w.h.a.l.e
from: betdicehouse
memo: HouseEdge, Game: dice Memo: 30808606
quantity: 0.0735 EOS
to: betdicegroup
asset: 4.9000 EOS
contract: eosio.token
user: w.h.a.l.e
memo: Prize Fund, Game: dice Memo: 30808606
quantity: 7.6562 DICE
to: w.h.a.l.e
from: betdicetoken
memo: Prize Fund, Game: dice Memo: 30808606
quantity: 7.6562 DICE
to: w.h.a.l.e
memo: Cost
quantity: 1.0937 DICE
to: betdicesaver
from: betdicetoken
memo: Cost
quantity: 1.0937 DICE
to: betdicesaver
memo: Team
quantity: 2.1874 DICE
to: betdic.e
from: betdicetoken
memo: Team
quantity: 2.1874 DICE
to: betdic.e
from: betdicegroup
memo: action:addPot
quantity: 0.0006 EOS
to: betdicelotto
from: betdicelotto
memo: Wager, Game: lottery Memo: 4037
quantity: 0.0006 EOS
to: betdicehouse
from: betdicegroup
memo: Contest, Game: dice Memo: 30808606
quantity: 0.0055 EOS
to: betdicehouse
from: betdicegroup
memo: Dividend, Game: dice Memo: 30808606
quantity: 0.0278 EOS
to: betdicegiver
from: betdicegroup
memo: Cost, Game: dice Memo: 30808606
quantity: 0.0055 EOS
to: betdicesaver
from: betdicegroup
memo: Bankroll, Game: dice Memo: 30808606
quantity: 0.0224 EOS
to: betdicehouse
accountName: w.h.a.l.e
betAsset: 4.9000 EOS
contractName: eosio.token
diceNumber: 40
hashSeed: eTRwsDlieR0BtMLTcp:80a1ab857654196c29b6a682554526e78537e4de0ffa21a1c702c0e342a506ed:eosio.token:4.9000 EOS:27
hashSeedHash: 6434da860aa3a3983c3908d6498665726663925c3477c3b04a243b6ea29c60b3
payoutAsset: 0.0000 EOS
result: L
signature: SIG_K1_JuT73kdp4mK2xUr6ym732k7fTiAmx7GUZ7VA2QpSKTWKt6tPfpvu6NqCvx1cfKyskEKiecNAnTaKcUykxK2eokqgjmThgt