
Transaction on August 12, 2020 at 7:10:57 AM UTC

Finality StatusIrreversible
Date20. 8. 12. 오전 7시 10분 57초 UTC
Transaction ID21ba5e7a101dbb59604598c4043dc45e3ff6c5da0c1ef192f82a835d66197a5d
Included in block136146051
Contracts used

Resulting Actions (17)

The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.

owner: wukongmarket
pair_id: 505
is_buy: true
is_expire: false
order_id: 137025572
pair_id: 505
from: newdexpublic
memo: {"type":"cancel-order","order-id":137025572,"symbol":"eos_usdt","price":"2.9440"}
quantity: 650.00000000 USDT
to: wukongmarket
is_buy: true
is_expire: false
order_id: 137025573
pair_id: 505
from: newdexpublic
memo: {"type":"cancel-order","order-id":137025573,"symbol":"eos_usdt","price":"2.9490"}
quantity: 1000.00000000 USDT
to: wukongmarket
is_buy: false
is_expire: false
order_id: 137025574
pair_id: 505
from: newdexpublic
memo: {"type":"cancel-order","order-id":137025574,"symbol":"eos_usdt","price":"2.9800"}
quantity: 300.0000 EOS
to: wukongmarket
is_buy: false
is_expire: false
order_id: 137025575
pair_id: 505
from: newdexpublic
memo: {"type":"cancel-order","order-id":137025575,"symbol":"eos_usdt","price":"2.9850"}
quantity: 200.0000 EOS
to: wukongmarket
from: wukongmarket
memo: {"type":"buy-limit","symbol":"eos_usdt","price":"2.9450","channel":"API"}
quantity: 650.00000000 USDT
to: newdexpublic
amount: 650.00000000 USDT
contract: eosio.token
sym: 4,EOS
channel: API
condition_price: 0
is_plan: false
order_id: 137025598
owner: wukongmarket
pair_id: 505
pair_symbol: eos_usdt
price: 2.945
quantity: 220.7130 EOS
contract: issue.newdex
sym: 8,USDT
type: buy-limit
from: wukongmarket
memo: {"type":"buy-limit","symbol":"eos_usdt","price":"2.9499","channel":"API"}
quantity: 1000.00000000 USDT
to: newdexpublic
amount: 1000.00000000 USDT
contract: eosio.token
sym: 4,EOS
channel: API
condition_price: 0
is_plan: false
order_id: 137025599
owner: wukongmarket
pair_id: 505
pair_symbol: eos_usdt
price: 2.9499
quantity: 338.9945 EOS
contract: issue.newdex
sym: 8,USDT
type: buy-limit
from: wukongmarket
memo: {"type":"sell-limit","symbol":"eos_usdt","price":"2.9810","channel":"API"}
quantity: 300.0000 EOS
to: newdexpublic
amount: 894.30000000 USDT
contract: eosio.token
sym: 4,EOS
channel: API
condition_price: 0
is_plan: false
order_id: 137025600
owner: wukongmarket
pair_id: 505
pair_symbol: eos_usdt
price: 2.981
quantity: 300.0000 EOS
contract: issue.newdex
sym: 8,USDT
type: sell-limit
from: wukongmarket
memo: {"type":"sell-limit","symbol":"eos_usdt","price":"2.9860","channel":"API"}
quantity: 200.0000 EOS
to: newdexpublic
amount: 597.20000000 USDT
contract: eosio.token
sym: 4,EOS
channel: API
condition_price: 0
is_plan: false
order_id: 137025601
owner: wukongmarket
pair_id: 505
pair_symbol: eos_usdt
price: 2.986
quantity: 200.0000 EOS
contract: issue.newdex
sym: 8,USDT
type: sell-limit