
Transaction on October 1, 2019 at 11:18:19 AM UTC

Finality StatusIrreversible
Date19. 10. 1. 오전 11시 18분 19초 UTC
Transaction ID31a5a059b872679731a6ae5e92e0ae346b1782c5c82fc69123357a5c3dbf3668
Included in block82248438
Contracts used

Resulting Actions (1)

The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.

from: eossanguopro
memo: #EOS三国# 国庆活动(10.1~10.7)火热进行,高额奖励,等你来拿!专属坐骑,等你召唤!#EOS Dynasty# Hot Holiday Activity! High reward and Exclusive mounts! https://eossanguo.one/download/
quantity: 0.0001 EOS
to: ecosystemcap