
2022년 11월 14일 오후 2시 52분 29초 UTC 에 대한 거래

Finality StatusIrreversible
Date22. 11. 14. 오후 2시 52분 29초 UTC
Transaction ID53aabe10d501565b00d9bf9555131c9fc4d379e9a424ab8e7e5b15ebcb7df0ef
Included in block278519659
Contracts used

Resulting Actions (4)

The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.

from: liuyongasd12
memo: dongjianwlly---[]-[]-[]-[]-[27]-1668437541
quantity: 3.2000 EOS
to: eoshashlotto
from: eoshashlotto
memo: lotto: #27807292 liuyongasd12 bet 3.2000 EOS on --[]-[]-[]-[]-[27]
quantity: 0.0395 EOS
to: eoshashstake
from: eoshashlotto
memo: lotto: #27807292 liuyongasd12 bet 3.2000 EOS on --[]-[]-[]-[]-[27]
quantity: 0.0121 EOS
to: eoshashfunds
from: eoshashlotto
memo: lotto: #27807292 liuyongasd12 bet 3.2000 EOS on --[]-[]-[]-[]-[27]
quantity: 3.1484 EOS
to: eoshashhouse