
Transaction on February 15, 2020 at 3:24:27 PM UTC

Finality StatusIrreversible
Date20. 2. 15. 오후 3시 24분 27초 UTC
Transaction ID6ac3d1f54fd81c5836063fb64eeb8c90ffffb0a52db4f95c2c426dfdcdd1f1c0
Included in block105314549
Contracts used

Resulting Actions (2)

The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.

from: pekkokormepe
memo: {"type":"sell-limit","symbol":"spin..dice-spin-eos","price":"0.01434","channel":"dapp","ref":"tokenpocket"}
quantity: 179.8077 SPIN
to: newdexpublic
amount: 2.5784 EOS
contract: spin..dice
sym: 4,SPIN
channel: dapp
condition_price: 0
is_plan: false
order_id: 119462930
owner: pekkokormepe
pair_id: 396
pair_symbol: spin..dice-spin-eos
price: 0.01434
quantity: 179.8077 SPIN
contract: eosio.token
sym: 4,EOS
ref: tokenpocket
type: sell-limit