
Transaction on September 15, 2019 at 11:47:02 PM UTC

Finality StatusIrreversible
Date19. 9. 15. 오후 11시 47분 2초 UTC
Transaction ID6caf13a8e7cf788b0a79eca89400628b857167bd507d0ecf2a50797b5bd1caec
Included in block79580523
Contracts used

Resulting Actions (3)

The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.

memo: Site: https://eosgrand.io, EventNo: 15685912172165255809, Event : Make token something for transgengen5.
quantity: 30.0000 GRD
to: grandissuer1
from: grandissuer1
memo: Site: https://eosgrand.io, EventNo: 15685912172165255809, Event : transgengen5 - Token transfer.
quantity: 24.0000 GRD
to: transgengen5
from: grandissuer1
memo: Site: https://eosgrand.io, EventNo: 15685912172165255809, Event : Get a Team Incentive from transgengen5.
quantity: 6.0000 GRD
to: grandincen11