2020년 7월 26일 오전 10시 45분 56초 UTC 에 대한 거래
Finality Status | Irreversible |
Date | 20. 7. 26. 오전 10시 45분 56초 UTC |
Transaction ID | 85bc0424da4d5c2aac100430a16a2500f3e5a6925d2ab711cee11fcdb091583e |
Included in block | 133235171 |
Contracts used |
Resulting Actions (5)
The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.
from: felixeosgamememo: Felix bitball rolling fee from smcchacha123quantity: 0.2600 EOSto: felixrolling
Signed by: felixeosgame@active
from: felixeosgamememo: Felix bitball referrel from smcchacha123 - https://felixball.ioquantity: 0.0800 EOSto: felixdistrib
Signed by: felixeosgame@active
from: felixeosgamememo: Felix bitball referrel from smcchacha123 - https://felixball.ioquantity: 0.0400 EOSto: felixdistrib
Signed by: felixeosgame@active
from: felixeosgamememo: Felix bitball referrel from smcchacha123 - https://felixball.ioquantity: 0.0200 EOSto: felixdistrib
Signed by: felixeosgame@active
from: felixeosgamememo: Felix bitball referrel from smcchacha123 - https://felixball.ioquantity: 0.0600 EOSto: felixdistrib
Signed by: felixeosgame@active