
Transaction on May 23, 2020 at 5:35:33 AM UTC

Finality StatusIrreversible
Date20. 5. 23. 오전 5시 35분 33초 UTC
Transaction ID9e663ebe978d1825b5770be3814efe5974e5d254e0e85e002151de74ab8ddbfb
Included in block122142112
Contracts used

Resulting Actions (4)

The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.

from: felixeosgame
memo: Felix bitball rolling fee from f1fzassjm234
quantity: 0.0040 EOS
to: felixrolling
from: felixeosgame
memo: Felix bitball referrel from f1fzassjm234 - https://felixball.io
quantity: 0.0020 EOS
to: felixdistrib
from: felixeosgame
memo: Felix bitball referrel from f1fzassjm234 - https://felixball.io
quantity: 0.0004 EOS
to: felixdistrib
from: felixeosgame
memo: Felix bitball referrel from f1fzassjm234 - https://felixball.io
quantity: 0.0016 EOS
to: felixdistrib