
2020년 8월 13일 오전 2시 10분 56초 UTC 에 대한 거래

Finality StatusIrreversible
Date20. 8. 13. 오전 2시 10분 56초 UTC
Transaction IDa30a15cd6017c093323bc083bf945b4e36ea9724768ea9b7756576c5ab0f8128
Included in block136282837
Contracts used

Resulting Actions (6)

The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.

from: felixeosgame
memo: Felix bitball rolling fee from aassddlee113
quantity: 0.0040 EOS
to: felixrolling
from: felixeosgame
memo: Felix bitball referrel from aassddlee113 - https://felixball.io
quantity: 0.0012 EOS
to: felixdistrib
from: felixeosgame
memo: Felix bitball referrel from aassddlee113 - https://felixball.io
quantity: 0.0008 EOS
to: felixdistrib
from: felixeosgame
memo: Felix bitball referrel from aassddlee113 - https://felixball.io
quantity: 0.0002 EOS
to: felixdistrib
from: felixeosgame
memo: Felix bitball referrel from aassddlee113 - https://felixball.io
quantity: 0.0004 EOS
to: felixdistrib
from: felixeosgame
memo: Felix bitball referrel from aassddlee113 - https://felixball.io
quantity: 0.0020 EOS
to: felixdistrib