
Transaction on April 11, 2021 at 9:30:27 AM UTC

Finality StatusIrreversible
Date21. 4. 11. 오전 9시 30분 27초 UTC
Transaction IDae4e7b6c39c56cceec14953df92a15d87af30bf781b665ff7313e7b080fddb8f
Included in block177958446
Contracts used

Resulting Actions (6)

The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.

exchange: whaleexchang
withdraw_id: 407588057481471426
assets: (1)
  1. Contract: tokens.wal
    asset: 38.41544610 USDT
exchange: whaleexchang
from: zhangkaichan
key: 407588057481471426
to: whaleexgate5
type: 2
from: whaleextrust
memo: EOSW,407588057481471426,zhangkaichan,
quantity: 38.41544610 USDT
to: whaleexgate5
from: whaleexgate5
quantity: 38.4154 USDT
to: zhangkaichan
from: whaleexgate5
memo: burn
quantity: 38.41544610 USDT
to: tokens.wal
memo: burn
quantity: 38.41544610 USDT