
Transaction on November 4, 2020 at 9:57:47 AM UTC

Finality StatusIrreversible
Date20. 11. 4. 오전 9시 57분 47초 UTC
Transaction IDb54b92d27b18797b9e3d9b21e8c5e137499af474ae4be73bc1dd5c4b63cc8f6e
Included in block150675041
Contracts used

Resulting Actions (3)

The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.

from: felixeosgame
memo: Felix ladder rolling fee from qqqbyungok15
quantity: 0.0320 EOS
to: felixrolling
from: felixeosgame
memo: Felix ladder referrel from qqqbyungok15 - https://felixball.io
quantity: 0.0192 EOS
to: felixdistrib
from: felixeosgame
memo: Felix ladder referrel from qqqbyungok15 - https://felixball.io
quantity: 0.0096 EOS
to: felixdistrib