Recent activity on the EOS Network.
asset_ids: (1)
2199023789194from: womplayitemsmemo: From the Chain Clash arenas, your avatar comes to AtomicHub. The exposure to all the Wombatium NFTs changed its appearance, but rest assured — it is still your good old fighter and it will serve you just as well in Womplay or Dungeon Master.to: newudomloveu
Signed by: womplayitems@nft
from: newudomloveumemo: 3a348da2a1a66078quantity: 0.0174 EOSto: crexpayments
from: whaleextrustmemo: Withdraw From WhaleExquantity: 4995.0000 MICHto: newudomloveu
Signed by: whaleextrust@active
from: newudomloveumemo: order:newudomloveu | buy | limit | mine4charity | MICH | 50000000 | eosio.token | EOS | 100 | 10 | 10 | whaleexchang | 106487215115 984 | 1624865953 | | 0.000002 | tokenpocket:quantity: 0.0100 EOSto: whaleextrust
from: newudomloveumemo: sell ram feequantity: 0.0001 EOSto: eosio.ramfee
Signed by: newudomloveu@active
from: eosio.rammemo: sell ramquantity: 0.0191 EOSto: newudomloveu
account: newudomloveubytes: 594
from: newudomloveumemo: 3a348da2a1a66078quantity: 0.0250 EOSto: crexpayments
from: swap.defimemo: Defibox: swap tokenquantity: 0.0254 EOSto: newudomloveu
Signed by: swap.defi@active
from: newudomloveumemo: swap,246,74-12quantity: 108.7542 NDXto: swap.defi