The data tables defined by this contract.
Field Type balance asset rows of current_round_rate
Field Type sym symbol round uint64 timestamp uint64 rate uint128 rows of claim_withdraw
Field Type account name period uint64 rows of debt_ledger
Field Type id uint64 debt uint128 rows of distribution
Field Type id uint64 destination name code name amount asset -
Field Type waiting_period_secs uint64 rows of exchange_entry
Field Type dest symbol ex_entry_list ex_entry[] rows of exchange_rate
Field Type id uint64 timestamp uint64 rate uint128 -
Field Type rate_stale_period uint64 oracle_future_limit uint64 exchange_rate_length uint64 rows of exstatecfg
Field Type max_entries_in_queue uint64 rows of feeissuadata
Field Type id uint64 debt_percentage uint128 debt_entry_index uint64 rows of fee_period
Field Type id uint64 fee_period_id uint64 starting_debt_index uint64 start_time uint64 fees_to_distribute asset fees_claimed asset rewards_to_distribute asset rewards_claimed asset rows of feepoolcfg
Field Type max_exchange_fee_rate uint128 fee_period_length uint64 current_fee_period uint64 fee_period_duration uint64 min_fee_period_duration uint64 max_fee_period_duration uint64 target_threshold uint128 -
Field Type synth symbol rate uint128 ref_rate uint128 rows of fpstatecfg
Field Type fee_period_length uint64 -
Field Type status uint64 issuer_code name rewards_distribution name reward_escrow_code name synth_escrow_code name fee_pool_code name burn_code name log_code name rows of inverseprice
Field Type sym symbol entry_point uint128 upper_limit uint128 lower_limit uint128 frozen bool rows of issuancecfg
Field Type total_issuer_count uint64 issuance_ratio uint128 max_issuance_ratio uint128 rows of issuance_data
Field Type account name initial_debt_ownership uint128 debt_entry_index uint64 last_issue_event uint64 rows of issuerconfig
Field Type max_minimum_staking_time uint64 minimum_stake_time uint64 rows of liquidation_entry
Field Type account name deadline uint64 caller name -
Field Type liquidation_delay uint64 min_liquidation_delay uint64 max_liquidation_delay uint64 liquidation_ratio uint128 max_liquidation_ratio uint128 ratio_from_target_buffer uint128 liquidation_penalty uint128 max_liquidation_penalty uint128 -
Field Type total_escrowed_balance asset max_vesting_entries uint64 reward_period_duration uint64 rows of reward_escrow
Field Type account name total_vested_account_balance asset total_escrowed_account_balance asset vesting_schedule_list vesting_schedule[] rows of currency_stats
Field Type supply asset max_supply asset issuer name -
Field Type last_mint_event uint64 week_counter uint64 minter_reward asset initial_weekly_supply asset max_minter_reward asset mint_period_duration uint64 inflation_start_date uint64 mint_buffer uint64 supply_decay_start uint64 supply_decay_end uint64 decay_rate uint128 terminal_supply_rate_annual uint128 -
Field Type sym symbol max_supply_to_purge asset rows of syntheconfig
Field Type total_vested_balance asset max_vesting_entries uint64 rows of synth_escrow
Field Type account name total_vested_account_balance asset vesting_schedule_list vesting_schedule[]