

{ "version": "eosio::abi/1.1", "types": [], "structs": [ { "name": "account", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "balance", "type": "asset" } ] }, { "name": "close", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "owner", "type": "name" }, { "name": "symbol", "type": "symbol" } ] }, { "name": "create", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "issuer", "type": "name" }, { "name": "maximum_supply", "type": "asset" } ] }, { "name": "currency_stats", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "supply", "type": "asset" }, { "name": "max_supply", "type": "asset" }, { "name": "issuer", "type": "name" } ] }, { "name": "issue", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "to", "type": "name" }, { "name": "quantity", "type": "asset" }, { "name": "memo", "type": "string" } ] }, { "name": "open", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "owner", "type": "name" }, { "name": "symbol", "type": "symbol" }, { "name": "ram_payer", "type": "name" } ] }, { "name": "retire", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "quantity", "type": "asset" }, { "name": "memo", "type": "string" } ] }, { "name": "transfer", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "from", "type": "name" }, { "name": "to", "type": "name" }, { "name": "quantity", "type": "asset" }, { "name": "memo", "type": "string" } ] } ], "actions": [ { "name": "close", "type": "close", "ricardian_contract": "---\nspec_version: \"0.2.0\"\ntitle: Close Token Balance\nsummary: 'Close {{nowrap owner}}’s zero quantity balance'\nicon: @ICON_BASE_URL@/@TOKEN_ICON_URI@\n---\n\n{{owner}} agrees to close their zero quantity balance for the {{symbol_to_symbol_code symbol}} token.\n\nRAM will be refunded to the RAM payer of the {{symbol_to_symbol_code symbol}} token balance for {{owner}}." }, { "name": "create", "type": "create", "ricardian_contract": "---\nspec_version: \"0.2.0\"\ntitle: Create New Token\nsummary: 'Create a new token'\nicon: @ICON_BASE_URL@/@TOKEN_ICON_URI@\n---\n\n{{$action.account}} agrees to create a new token with symbol {{asset_to_symbol_code maximum_supply}} to be managed by {{issuer}}.\n\nThis action will not result any any tokens being issued into circulation.\n\n{{issuer}} will be allowed to issue tokens into circulation, up to a maximum supply of {{maximum_supply}}.\n\nRAM will deducted from {{$action.account}}’s resources to create the necessary records." }, { "name": "issue", "type": "issue", "ricardian_contract": "---\nspec_version: \"0.2.0\"\ntitle: Issue Tokens into Circulation\nsummary: 'Issue {{nowrap quantity}} into circulation and transfer into {{nowrap to}}’s account'\nicon: @ICON_BASE_URL@/@TOKEN_ICON_URI@\n---\n\nThe token manager agrees to issue {{quantity}} into circulation, and transfer it into {{to}}’s account.\n\n{{#if memo}}There is a memo attached to the transfer stating:\n{{memo}}\n{{/if}}\n\nIf {{to}} does not have a balance for {{asset_to_symbol_code quantity}}, or the token manager does not have a balance for {{asset_to_symbol_code quantity}}, the token manager will be designated as the RAM payer of the {{asset_to_symbol_code quantity}} token balance for {{to}}. As a result, RAM will be deducted from the token manager’s resources to create the necessary records.\n\nThis action does not allow the total quantity to exceed the max allowed supply of the token." }, { "name": "open", "type": "open", "ricardian_contract": "---\nspec_version: \"0.2.0\"\ntitle: Open Token Balance\nsummary: 'Open a zero quantity balance for {{nowrap owner}}'\nicon: @ICON_BASE_URL@/@TOKEN_ICON_URI@\n---\n\n{{ram_payer}} agrees to establish a zero quantity balance for {{owner}} for the {{symbol_to_symbol_code symbol}} token.\n\nIf {{owner}} does not have a balance for {{symbol_to_symbol_code symbol}}, {{ram_payer}} will be designated as the RAM payer of the {{symbol_to_symbol_code symbol}} token balance for {{owner}}. As a result, RAM will be deducted from {{ram_payer}}’s resources to create the necessary records." }, { "name": "retire", "type": "retire", "ricardian_contract": "---\nspec_version: \"0.2.0\"\ntitle: Remove Tokens from Circulation\nsummary: 'Remove {{nowrap quantity}} from circulation'\nicon: @ICON_BASE_URL@/@TOKEN_ICON_URI@\n---\n\nThe token manager agrees to remove {{quantity}} from circulation, taken from their own account.\n\n{{#if memo}} There is a memo attached to the action stating:\n{{memo}}\n{{/if}}" }, { "name": "transfer", "type": "transfer", "ricardian_contract": "---\nspec_version: \"0.2.0\"\ntitle: Transfer Tokens\nsummary: 'Send {{nowrap quantity}} from {{nowrap from}} to {{nowrap to}}'\nicon: @ICON_BASE_URL@/@TRANSFER_ICON_URI@\n---\n\n{{from}} agrees to send {{quantity}} to {{to}}.\n\n{{#if memo}}There is a memo attached to the transfer stating:\n{{memo}}\n{{/if}}\n\nIf {{from}} is not already the RAM payer of their {{asset_to_symbol_code quantity}} token balance, {{from}} will be designated as such. As a result, RAM will be deducted from {{from}}’s resources to refund the original RAM payer.\n\nIf {{to}} does not have a balance for {{asset_to_symbol_code quantity}}, {{from}} will be designated as the RAM payer of the {{asset_to_symbol_code quantity}} token balance for {{to}}. As a result, RAM will be deducted from {{from}}’s resources to create the necessary records." } ], "tables": [ { "name": "accounts", "index_type": "i64", "key_names": [], "key_types": [], "type": "account" }, { "name": "stat", "index_type": "i64", "key_names": [], "key_types": [], "type": "currency_stats" } ], "ricardian_clauses": [], "error_messages": [], "abi_extensions": [], "variants": [], "action_results": [] }