The data tables defined by this contract.
Field Type owner name balance asset inflate_balance asset rows of limitbase
Field Type stake_limit asset exchg_limit asset -
Field Type balance asset claimed bool rows of stakebase
Field Type owner name balance asset inflate_balance asset rows of account_tier
Field Type owner name initialBalance asset tier_class uint64 rows of datapoints
Field Type id uint64 owner name value uint64 median uint64 timestamp time_point rows of grow_timer
Field Type timer uint64 -
Field Type p_key uint64 queryMatch bool queryId string result string rows of recover_stats
Field Type balance asset rows of curr_stats
Field Type supply asset max_supply asset issuer name -
Field Type tier_class uint64 initialLockupPeriod uint64 initialBlock uint64 postLockupPercent uint64 postLockupPeriod uint64 d_postLockupTime uint64 d_postLockupPercent uint64 rows of global_timer
Field Type timer uint64