The data tables defined by this contract.
Field Type balance asset min_invest asset invested asset divested asset -
Field Type user name invested asset divesting asset balance asset round_id uint64 round_count uint64 created_at uint64 rows of st_bankround
Field Type id uint64 balance asset in asset out asset status uint8 -
Field Type id uint64 gameid uint64 player name contract name suit uint32 amount asset total asset referrer name payout asset create_at uint64 copy name -
Field Type id uint64 gameid uint64 player name contract name suit uint32 amount asset total asset referrer name payout asset create_at uint64 copy name rows of st_divest_req
Field Type id uint64 round_id uint64 user name qty asset fee asset -
Field Type key name value uint64 rows of st_invest_req
Field Type id uint64 round_id uint64 user name qty asset fee asset -
Field Type id uint64 playersym uint128 bet asset max_payout asset rows of st_roundmap
Field Type id uint64 -
Field Type gameid uint64 blocknum uint32 hashes string[] suits st_suit[] -
Field Type id uint64 contract name from name to name qty asset memo string