The data structures defined by this contract.
Struct property of rspell_level
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Struct property of rticket2
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Struct property of herosuitrow
Struct property of bosschalger
Struct property of pvpformrow
Struct property of pvpformationrow
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Struct property of bosschalger
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Struct property of pvpformrow
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Struct property of pvpgacharst
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Table row type of honordivstat
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Table row type of bshndivstat
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Table row type of bsdropmat2
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Struct property of pvpformationrow
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Table row type of reprankstat
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Action parameter in starthndiv
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Action parameter in startbshndiv
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Action parameter in addbossbuff
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Struct property of recvbsrank
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Action parameter in divaddengy
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Action parameter in setspelllvs
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Action parameter in startrefpvpe
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Action parameter in setpvpform
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Action parameter in startpvpbns
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Action parameter in unioperate
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Action parameter in updbshonor
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Action parameter in cleartable1
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