

The data structures defined by this contract.

  • Action parameter in brainclmidex

    { "name": "brainclmidex", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "stakeid", "type": "uint64" } ] }
  • Action parameter in curatelist

    { "name": "curatelist", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "user", "type": "name" }, { "name": "title", "type": "string" }, { "name": "description", "type": "string" }, { "name": "wikis", "type": "string[]" }, { "name": "ranked", "type": "bool" } ] }
  • Table row type of propstbl2

    { "name": "editproposal", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "wiki_id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "proposer", "type": "name" }, { "name": "slug", "type": "string" }, { "name": "ipfs_hash", "type": "ipfshash_t" }, { "name": "group_id", "type": "int64" }, { "name": "lang_code", "type": "string" }, { "name": "starttime", "type": "uint32" }, { "name": "endtime", "type": "uint32" }, { "name": "memo", "type": "string" }, { "name": "finalized", "type": "bool" } ] }
  • Table row type of propstblex

    { "name": "editpropslex", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "wiki_id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "proposer", "type": "name" }, { "name": "slug", "type": "string" }, { "name": "ipfs_hash", "type": "ipfshash_t" }, { "name": "group_id", "type": "int64" }, { "name": "lang_code", "type": "string" }, { "name": "starttime", "type": "uint32" }, { "name": "endtime", "type": "uint32" }, { "name": "memo", "type": "string" }, { "name": "finalized", "type": "bool" }, { "name": "proxied_for", "type": "string" }, { "name": "extra_note", "type": "string" } ] }
  • Action parameter in finalizeextr

    { "name": "finalizeextr", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "proposal_id", "type": "uint64" } ] }
  • Action parameter in logpropinfex

    { "name": "logpropinfex", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "proposal_id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "proposer", "type": "name" }, { "name": "wiki_id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "slug", "type": "string" }, { "name": "ipfs_hash", "type": "ipfshash_t" }, { "name": "lang_code", "type": "string" }, { "name": "group_id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "comment", "type": "string" }, { "name": "memo", "type": "string" }, { "name": "starttime", "type": "uint32" }, { "name": "endtime", "type": "uint32" }, { "name": "proxied_for", "type": "string" }, { "name": "extra_note", "type": "string" } ] }
  • Action parameter in logpropres

    { "name": "logpropres", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "proposal_id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "approved", "type": "bool" }, { "name": "yes_votes", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "no_votes", "type": "uint64" } ] }
  • Action parameter in mkreferendum

    { "name": "mkreferendum", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "proposal_id", "type": "uint64" } ] }
  • Action parameter in oldvteprgeex

    { "name": "oldvteprgeex", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "proposal_id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "loop_limit", "type": "uint32" } ] }
  • Table row type of wikistbl

    { "name": "oldwiki", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "hash", "type": "ipfshash_t" }, { "name": "parent_hash", "type": "ipfshash_t" } ] }
  • Table row type of perrwdstbl2

    Table row type of perrwdstblex

    { "name": "periodreward", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "period", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "curation_sum", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "editor_sum", "type": "uint64" } ] }
  • Action parameter in proposeextra

    { "name": "proposeextra", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "proposer", "type": "name" }, { "name": "slug", "type": "string" }, { "name": "ipfs_hash", "type": "ipfshash_t" }, { "name": "lang_code", "type": "string" }, { "name": "group_id", "type": "int64" }, { "name": "comment", "type": "string" }, { "name": "memo", "type": "string" }, { "name": "proxied_for", "type": "string" }, { "name": "extra_note", "type": "string" } ] }
  • Table row type of rewardstblex

    { "name": "rewardhistex", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "user", "type": "name" }, { "name": "vote_points", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "edit_points", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "proposal_id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "proposal_finalize_time", "type": "uint32" }, { "name": "proposal_finalize_period", "type": "uint32" }, { "name": "proposalresult", "type": "bool" }, { "name": "is_editor", "type": "bool" }, { "name": "is_tie", "type": "bool" }, { "name": "memo", "type": "string" }, { "name": "proxied_for", "type": "string" }, { "name": "extra_note", "type": "string" } ] }
  • Table row type of rewardstbl2

    { "name": "rewardhistory", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "user", "type": "name" }, { "name": "vote_points", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "edit_points", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "proposal_id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "proposal_finalize_time", "type": "uint32" }, { "name": "proposal_finalize_period", "type": "uint32" }, { "name": "proposalresult", "type": "bool" }, { "name": "is_editor", "type": "bool" }, { "name": "is_tie", "type": "bool" }, { "name": "memo", "type": "string" } ] }
  • Action parameter in rewrdclmidex

    { "name": "rewrdclmidex", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "reward_id", "type": "uint64" } ] }
  • Table row type of staketbl2

    { "name": "stake", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "user", "type": "name" }, { "name": "amount", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "timestamp", "type": "uint32" }, { "name": "completion_time", "type": "uint32" } ] }
  • Table row type of staketblex

    { "name": "stakeextra", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "user", "type": "name" }, { "name": "amount", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "timestamp", "type": "uint32" }, { "name": "completion_time", "type": "uint32" }, { "name": "proxied_for", "type": "string" }, { "name": "extra_note", "type": "string" } ] }
  • Action parameter in stkretovrrde

    { "name": "stkretovrrde", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "loop_limit", "type": "uint32" } ] }
  • Table row type of votestbl2

    { "name": "vote_t", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "proposal_id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "ipfs_hash", "type": "ipfshash_t" }, { "name": "approve", "type": "bool" }, { "name": "is_editor", "type": "bool" }, { "name": "amount", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "voter", "type": "name" }, { "name": "timestamp", "type": "uint32" }, { "name": "stake_id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "memo", "type": "string" } ] }
  • Action parameter in voteextra

    { "name": "voteextra", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "voter", "type": "name" }, { "name": "proposal_id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "approve", "type": "bool" }, { "name": "amount", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "comment", "type": "string" }, { "name": "memo", "type": "string" }, { "name": "proxied_for", "type": "string" }, { "name": "extra_note", "type": "string" } ] }
  • Table row type of votestblex

    { "name": "voteextra_t", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "proposal_id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "ipfs_hash", "type": "ipfshash_t" }, { "name": "approve", "type": "bool" }, { "name": "is_editor", "type": "bool" }, { "name": "amount", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "voter", "type": "name" }, { "name": "timestamp", "type": "uint32" }, { "name": "stake_id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "memo", "type": "string" }, { "name": "proxied_for", "type": "string" }, { "name": "extra_note", "type": "string" } ] }
  • Table row type of wikistbl2

    { "name": "wiki", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "slug", "type": "string" }, { "name": "group_id", "type": "uint64" }, { "name": "lang_code", "type": "string" }, { "name": "ipfs_hash", "type": "ipfshash_t" } ] }