The data tables defined by this contract.
Field Type id uint64 player name area uint32 amount asset tx_id checksum256 rewards_has_been_issued uint32 created_at uint32 proxy name rows of coupon_order
Field Type player name area_red uint32 quantity_red asset area_black uint32 quantity_black asset area_special uint32 quantity_special asset proxy name memo string name1 name data uint64 -
Field Type id uint64 black_card string red_card string winner uint32 win_card_type uint32 state uint32 reveal_at uint64 created_at uint64 stop_tx_id checksum256 -
Field Type id uint64 expected_stop_time uint64 stopbet_at uint64 draw_at uint64 -
Field Type cur_game_id uint64 bet_black asset bet_red asset bet_special asset sys_balance asset cur_max_bet asset rows of global_state
Field Type key uint64 value int32 rows of order_item
Field Type player name area_red uint32 quantity_red asset area_black uint32 quantity_black asset area_special uint32 quantity_special asset proxy name memo string -
Field Type game_id uint64 seed_sign string seed string -
Field Type data1 uint64 data2 uint64 data3 uint64 data4 uint64 data5 uint64 data6 uint64 data7 uint64 data8 uint64