The data tables defined by this contract.
Field Type pztoken name apy float64 rows of auction_data
Field Type id uint64 user name pledge_token asset origin_pledge_token asset lend_token asset origin_lend_token asset status uint32 tx_hash checksum256 time uint32 end_time uint32 -
Field Type user name move_token asset is_pledge uint8 time uint32 rows of clearrecord_data
Field Type id uint64 auction_id uint64 bid_lend_token asset bearer name take_off_pledge_token asset rate string tx_hash checksum256 time uint32 rows of countdown_data
Field Type account name start_time uint32 countdown uint32 rows of currency_data
Field Type interest_token_name name interest_token_symbol symbol interest_token_contract name anchor_token_symbol symbol anchor_token_contract name status uint32 time uint32 rows of deposit_data
Field Type user name deposit_token asset time uint32 rows of fee_rate_data
Field Type id uint64 rate pair_uint64_float64[] rows of fixed_loan_time_data
Field Type account name time uint32 rows of insolvent_data
Field Type id uint64 user name pledge_token pair_symbol_asset[] lend_token asset tx_hash checksum256 time uint32 rows of interest_data
Field Type user name origin_lend asset lend float64 interest float64 type uint32 rate float64 -
Field Type user name pledge_token pair_symbol_asset[] lend_token pair_symbol_asset[] create_time uint32 time uint32 rows of loan_history_data
Field Type id uint64 user name before_pledge_token pair_symbol_asset[] before_lend_token pair_symbol_asset[] after_pledge_token pair_symbol_asset[] after_lend_token pair_symbol_asset[] interests asset[] token_price string pz_token_price string hash checksum256 time uint32 rows of liquid_reward_total_data
Field Type user name quantity asset rows of lsparameter_data
Field Type id uint32 clear_order symbol[] clear_pledge symbol[] rows of new_price_data
Field Type sym symbol price string time uint32 rows of parameter_data
Field Type key name value string rows of pause_data
Field Type id uint64 status uint32 rows of price_data
Field Type sym symbol price string time uint32 rows of pz_auction_data
Field Type pztoken name pledge asset rows of pz_price_data
Field Type sym name price string time uint32 rows of pz_reward_data
Field Type pztoken name reward float64 rows of pztoken_data
Field Type user name pz_token pair_symbol_asset[] time uint32 rows of record_data
Field Type id uint64 user name move_token asset price string tx_hash checksum256 type uint32 desc string time uint32 rows of retention_data
Field Type pztoken name rate float64 rows of retention_history_data
Field Type pztoken name quantity asset rows of small_repay_data
Field Type pztoken name pizza asset repay asset rows of token_data
Field Type user name balance asset rows of total_data
Field Type id uint64 deposit_token asset loan_token asset history_deposit_token asset history_deposit_withdraw_token asset history_loan_token asset history_repayment_token asset auction_token asset history_auction_token asset price string time uint32 rows of user_reward_data
Field Type user name reward float64 time uint32 rows of wallet_data
Field Type wallet_name name wallet_account name wallet_rate string user_rate string status uint32 start_time uint32 update_time uint32 rows of wallet_fee_data
Field Type wallet_name name seven_day_fee pair_uint32_asset[] total_fee asset time uint32 rows of wallet_record_data
Field Type id uint64 exchange_id uint64 fee asset time uint32 rows of whitelist_data
Field Type user name