
Transaction on August 2, 2020 at 2:33:27 PM UTC

Finality StatusIrreversible
Date2020/8/2 UTC 14:33:27
Transaction ID164d87f658876ef20a022accb7bc8a0011342e0ef978c4528451a682c5088c1c
Included in block134471320
Contracts used

Resulting Actions (3)

The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.

from: felixeosgame
memo: Felix bitball rolling fee from jkcf0013
quantity: 0.0832 EOS
to: felixrolling
from: felixeosgame
memo: Felix bitball referrel from jkcf0013 - https://felixball.io
quantity: 0.0128 EOS
to: felixdistrib
from: felixeosgame
memo: Felix bitball referrel from jkcf0013 - https://felixball.io
quantity: 0.0320 EOS
to: felixdistrib