
2020年11月19日 UTC 02:22:58 的交易

Finality StatusIrreversible
Date2020/11/19 UTC 02:22:58
Transaction ID23ca7bd05c215b22988a7325585270f27e50cfd533126fc265e2e6a55f6622aa
Included in block153210690
Contracts used

Resulting Actions (10)

The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.

miner: cestlaviebon
rando: 63261
symbol: 8,GRV
from: gravyhftdefi
memo: All Aboard the Gravy Train!
quantity: 0.00007503 GRV
to: cestlaviebon
from: gravyhftdefi
memo: Woot! Woot!
quantity: 0.00002501 GRV
to: gravydevfund