
Transaction on March 18, 2020 at 6:18:13 AM UTC

Finality StatusIrreversible
Date2020/3/18 UTC 06:18:13
Transaction ID30cbfe87dde1e63256ea1efc2cfd8c9199e1f671913dae3e2c0de72167cc37bf
Included in block110753720
Contracts used

Resulting Actions (1)

The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.

from: candyboxoftp
memo: 来TokenPocket 0 CPU玩 EOS三国, BigGame, XPET, 加密剑与魔法, 加密骑士团等,更有免费顺畅模式礼包等着大家, 官网: https://tokenpocket.pro/
quantity: 0.0001 EOS
to: lcjwbfcsf.tp