
2022年11月14日 UTC 14:52:30 的交易

Finality StatusIrreversible
Date2022/11/14 UTC 14:52:30
Transaction ID3940096ebad93b2e5dc169ff19ad33ce6bac496e070648ebef3e6bbcacd92ecb
Included in block278519661
Contracts used

Resulting Actions (4)

The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.

executor: eosmandelgod
nonce: 2747
from: push.sx
memo: rewards
quantity: 0.0500 SXCPU
to: eosmandelgod
Signed by:
Contract: push.sx
asset: 0.0500 SXCPU
from: push.sx
memo: rewards
to: eosmandelgod
Signed by:
claimed: 0.0500 SXCPU
executor: eosmandelgod
first_authorizer: eosmandelgod
Signed by: