
Transaction on July 28, 2020 at 8:32:25 AM UTC

Finality StatusIrreversible
Date2020/7/28 UTC 08:32:25
Transaction ID4207927b9c494a97435b3e44bcb2349e5ea85514206e952ab210a0650d9e7563
Included in block133564602
Contracts used

Resulting Actions (4)

The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.

payer: gotciosource
from: verygood1415
order_no: 1288028517086269440
from: gotciosource
memo: selleraffirm success: transfer token to buyer
quantity: 14.0000 NB
to: wjxlmy334455
from: gotciosource
memo: trade fee
quantity: 0.1400 NB
to: gfiiexzhdbc5